Soap, Shampoo & Deodorant
Olive oil soap, enriched with medicinal herbs, minerals, essential oils & Aromatic water. Each soap has it's own special formula for it's purpose. These soaps are also the base of our shampoo, combined with hair-strengthening herbs, to create a simple and bio-degradable shampoo. The deodorant is a gentle lemony ointment, mixing bicarbonate-soda (the active ingredient) with natural oils and beeswax. It is healthy and soft for the skin, yet highly effective.
Lemony, simple & effective 30ml - 5 Euro 65ml - 8 Euro
Calming with oats peeling Bar - 3 Euro Round wrapped - 4 Euro
Nurturing the skin Bar - 3 Euro Round wrapped - 4 Euro
Aphrodisiac & sweet aroma Bar - 3 Euro Round wrapped - 4 Euro
Healing & purifying properties Bar - 3 Euro Round wrapped - 4 Euro
Combination of 10 aromatic, local herbs Bar - 3 Euro Round wrapped - 4 Euro
Choose three soap bars, depending on availability 7 Euro
Gentle hydration, with lemon & beet-root 400ml - 6 Euro
Rosemary, nettle, honey & lemon 400ml - 6 Euro
Rosemary, nettle, honey & lemon Bar - 3 Euro Round wrapped - 4 Euro
Any of our soaps can be ordered in blocks of eleven soap bars 25 Euro